Steps for Avoiding Spring Allergies

Posted by Parks Real Estate on Tuesday, April 7th, 2020 at 3:30pm.

Just as the sun starts to spend a little more time overhead, and we can’t wait to get outside, those allergies are back at it. It’s hard to believe how unfair nature can be sometimes, but it’s important to do what you can to not let allergies stop you in your tracks from spring fun! Below are some of our favorite ideas on how to avoid spring allergies broken down into what you can do for your own body, as well as steps to take with your home.


Monitor Pollen Count

Check with your weather channel or app to find the daily pollen counts. On days with high pollen counts keep your windows closed, and take more precautions with outside activities. On high pollen count days, it is best to avoid outside in the morning when pollen counts are highest. 

Shower and Clean Pets Strategically

It’s important to remember that your pets are quite the vehicle for allergens. Be sure to wipe off your pet’s paws before they go inside to get all the pollen off. (More frequent bathing is helpful, too). It is also helpful to keep pets off your bed and furniture if you are really trying to avoid your contact with pollen!

For us humans, it’s also helpful to change and rinse off after being outside for awhile - clothes and hair are perfect playgrounds for pollen to hang out on! 

Tip: Even if you aren’t typically a household that takes your shoes off when you come in the house, it is a helpful practice for the allergy season!

Wear a Mask

During activities like yard work where you will absolutely be in the thick of allergens, it’s worth wearing a mask or bandana to limit your exposure.

Be Preventative 

Whether you swear by your home remedy, are an OTC kinda person, or have a prescription for something to combat allergy symptoms - it’s important to start taking them a couple of weeks before peak allergen season starts. This will help manage symptoms from the start instead of playing catch up later on.

Drink More Water

While sometimes this feels like the answer to everything, drinking plenty of water helps thin out mucus, flush your system of irritants, and helps keep your body healthy to fight off those allergens. Keep drinking that water!


Declutter (In the Name of Allergies)

Yes, it’s nice to have a perfectly clutter-free home. We can dream. But what about when it affects spring allergies? Now we’re talkin’. With spring allergies just around the corner, do yourself a favor and declutter ahead of time. Having a clutter-free home reduces the amount of dust and other everyday allergens that can get out of control come those spring months. 

Wipe it Down

If you only pay attention to thorough dusting one season of the year, make it spring. To start, be sure to wipe down all the ceiling fan blades before turning on for warmer weather (take a pillowcase and slowly drag towards you over each blade to collect dust). For dusting blinds and furniture, use a slightly damp cloth so that the dust doesn’t fly into the air. Now is also a good time to get more diligent about wet mopping floors to keep from dust building up.

Filters, and More Filters

Most houses have a LOT of filters. Take a few designated times a year (before major season changes are always an easy time to remember) to check your water and air filters - especially spring! This helps keep allergens, literally out of your house. While you’re at it, make sure your filters are HEPA filters, meaning they remove over 99% of the particles in the air before they come into the home. (And as mentioned above, during high pollen counts, make sure that windows are closed so that your air filters can do their work!)

Combat Mold

Because warmer, wetter weather means mold will grow faster, do a deep clean of bathrooms to ensure you’re living in a mold-free (hopefully) home. No need for toxic cleaners either, just combine equal parts vinegar and water to spray and scrub away! 

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